
Today’s social networks are undergoing a multitude of crises, which means there is both a need for and momentum for change. Alternative conceptual and technological environments are taking shape thanks to commotion around Web3, the Distributed Web, and Decentralized Autonomous Organizations. 

A 15-week hybrid bootcamp will alternate online participation with week-long periods spent in person at La Plateforme in Marseille. We will aim  to imagine and prototype alternative decentralized social networks. Participants will form interdisciplinary teams to undergo a design-led process ranging from observation, to ideation, to, finally, a proof-of-concept prototype. We will raise such questions as :

  • How to build social networks that would protect our relationships and privacy?
  • How to ensure the legitimacy of information disseminated through social networks?
  • What new insights can experimenting with decentralized technologies introduce towards bespoke use cases, manageable scale, and autonomous organizing of communities?
Workshop de la promotion 2022

Workshop 2022

April 17 through to July 28, 2023

Free of charge, travel to Marseille and accommodation covered by the program. Courses held in English

Hybrid program : 11 weeks online, 4 weeks at La Plateforme in Marseille.
Application deadline : Monday March 13, 2023

Detailed calendar

April 17–23  : Launch week in Marseille
April 24–May 14 : Three weeks online (Monday to Thursday)
May 15–21 : Intensive week in Marseille
May 22–June 24 : Three weeks online (Monday to Thursday)
June 26–July 2 : Intensive week in Marseille
July 3–16 : Three weeks online (Monday to Thursday)
July 17–28 : Final push in Marseille

Participant Profiles

We will select a complementary set of participant profiles in order to form interdisciplinary teams. EU residents are eligible to apply. Proven experience in related fields is required (however, there is no degree requirement) :


  • Experience interdisciplinary team work
  • Acquire new methods for coming up with and prototyping ideas :
    • observation and field work
    • speculative design
    • UX/UI design and UX research
    • Web3 concepts and development
  • Work with local communities to understand how they use social media, to come up with ideas grounded in field observations
  • Develop a proof-of-concept prototype of a decentralized social network

Program elements

  • Observation exercises and tools
  • Speculative design and design foresight activities and methods
  • Introduction to user experience research
  • Overview of Web3, the distributed web, and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) 
  • Workshops interrogating current and near-future states of social media (from the internet of things to the Metaverse)
  • New profile-specific skills and knowledge (UX design and user research, blockchain technologies, observation toolkits) thanks to skill-up tracks (see section below)
  • Presentation/pitch training

Team and Mentors

This list will be continuously updated

Program phases

Phase #1 — Exploration and Observation

  • Share skills
  • Form teams and identify communities of interest
  • Explore and analyze the complexities of today’s digi-social interactions
  • Meetcommunities and observe their use of conventional social media
  • Discuss notions around Web3 and the decentralized web

Phase #2 — Near-Future Vision

  • Explorenear futures of social networks
  • Create films, speculative scenarios, and prototyping props
  • Present a tangible near-future vision of a social network to the communities in question, to explore use cases and anticipate potential unintended effects

Phase #3 — Prototype

  • Return to the present to design a Proof-of-Concept (POC) prototype of a social network
  • Projects will take the form of navigable user interfaces, along with strong accompanying research documentation
  • Groups will make informed functional decisions related to the latest decentralized technologies (blockchain, tokens, DAOs, etc.)

Three skill-up tracks

Three learning tracks running throughout the course of the program will aim to boost students’ skills and provide knowledge required for creating a quality social network prototype. Each student must choose at least one track, but may also attend others :

  • Observation Track
    Optimized for social science practitioners and social entrepreneurs; participants in the observation track will use research-through-design methods to gather community insights to nourish the project.
  • UX/UI Track
    Aimed at designers and artists; participants in the UX track will discuss the history and politics of user experience and interface design in social media, as well as learn some practical UI skills (using Penpot).
  • Web Development Track
    In this track, participants will engage with theory and practice related to  various Web3 notions, look at development frameworks of dApps, and explore the technical and ideological patterns woven throughout the decentralized web.


[ba_video_popup image= » » trigger_element= »text » text= »Catherine M. // Innovation Lab – Réseaux Sociaux » video_link= » » admin_label= »C mIquel » module_class= »swiper-slide » _builder_version= »4.9.4″ _module_preset= »default »][/ba_video_popup][ba_video_popup image= » » trigger_element= »text » text= »Clément // Innovation Lab – Réseaux Sociaux » video_link= » » admin_label= »Clement » module_class= »swiper-slide » _builder_version= »4.9.4″ _module_preset= »default »][/ba_video_popup][ba_video_popup image= » » trigger_element= »text » text= »Elfried // Doctor  » video_link= » » admin_label= »Elfried » module_class= »swiper-slide » _builder_version= »4.9.4″ _module_preset= »default »][/ba_video_popup][ba_video_popup image= » » trigger_element= »text » text= »Julie /// Graphiste » video_link= »″ admin_label= »Julie » module_class= »swiper-slide » _builder_version= »4.9.4″ _module_preset= »default »][/ba_video_popup]

Students’ projects

A selection of emblematic projects carried out over the years.



Project Liberty aims to create a new civic architecture for the digital world that returns the ownership and control of personal data to individuals, embeds ethical values into technology, and expands economic opportunities for web users and developers alike.

Visit the Project Liberty website